Changes between Version 34 and Version 35 of howto/ZarafaMigrateConnectux

06/09/11 22:45:21 (13 years ago)
Edwin Eefting



  • howto/ZarafaMigrateConnectux

    v34 v35  
    236236mysql> ALTER TABLE mvproperties DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`hierarchyid`,`tag`,`type`,`orderid`), DROP KEY `hi`;
    237237ERROR 1075 (42000): Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key
    239 }}}
     239mysql> ALTER TABLE mvproperties  DROP KEY `hi`;
     240Query OK, 103 rows affected (0.07 sec)
     241Records: 103  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
     245Na lang prutsen blijkt het nodig zijn deze key te droppen, hierna start zarafa correct en gaat de conversie verder:
     247[Syn-3] root@linux.lazytours.local ~# FORCE=1 ./convert
     248Stopping /service/zarafa-server ...OK
     249SYN-3: Reading user ID converions:
     250old user id -> username -> new user id
     251ERROR 1054 (42S22) at line 1: Unknown column 'object_type' in 'where clause'
     252Something went wrong with user conversion..
     253SYN-3: Updating database:
     255SYN-3: Starting zarafa in conversion mode:
     256Thu Jun  9 22:43:11 2011: Start: Update mvproperties key
     257Thu Jun  9 22:43:12 2011: Startup succeeded on pid 21456
     258Thu Jun  9 22:43:12 2011: Done: Update mvproperties key
     259Thu Jun  9 22:43:12 2011: Start: Update DB plugin group to security groups
     260Thu Jun  9 22:43:12 2011: Done: Update DB plugin group to security groups
     261Thu Jun  9 22:43:12 2011: Start: Update DB/Unix plugin sendas settings
     262Thu Jun  9 22:43:12 2011: Done: Update DB/Unix plugin sendas settings
     263Thu Jun  9 22:43:12 2011: Ignoring attachment storing conflict as requested. Attachments are now stored with option 'files'
     264Thu Jun  9 22:43:12 2011: Listening for pipe connections on /var/run/zarafa
     265Thu Jun  9 22:43:12 2011: Listening for TCP connections on port 236
     266Thu Jun  9 22:43:12 2011: Startup succeeded on pid 21456
     267./convert: line 52: 21472 Terminated              tail -f /var/log/zarafa/server.log
     268SYN-3: Converting attachments from database to files
     269The size of all attachments in the database is: 5719539712 Bytes (5.33 GB)
     270Available space is: 466469113856 Bytes (434.43 GB)
     271Finding all attachments...
     272Processing 32922 attachments
     277Bovenstaande problemen heb ik nu 2x achter elkaar gehad, dus het lijk een standaard issue met 6.20->6.40.9 conversies. (de 6.20 database stamt wel af van een nog veel oudere zarafa versie die meerdere malen geupgrade is)